
Hammarby City





作品介绍 Introduction













为减少该地区整体的环境负荷,地方规划者们采用了一种全新的规划设计工作方法:在规划设计的全部阶段,所有规划设计、技术和管理部门的工作人员都必须在同一地点办公。这也使得其中某一部门所遇到的问题都将会及时被另一个部门很好地解决。最终,设计出的资源循环方案,满足了环境需求,被当地人成为“哈马碧模式”。 “哈马碧模式”是一套有机的循环理念与技术,是联结全部环境计划的一根绿线,将能源、供排水和废弃物综合管理等各种技术供应系统集成在一起。


(内容来源: 重点地区规划丨瑞典哈马碧生态城规划理念解读|规划设计_

Hammarby is located in the southeast of Stockholm, Sweden. In the early 1990s, in order to win the right to host the 2004 Olympic Games, the Stockholm municipal government began to transform Hammarby and plan it into the future Olympic Village. Although the bid for the Olympic Games was unsuccessful, the construction of eco-city in Hamabi did not stop. Now, after more than 20 years of development, Hamabi has been built into a livable eco-city with high circulation and low energy consumption covering an area of about 2.04 million square meters, and has become a model of sustainable urban construction in the world. From the low consumption of resources to the recycling of wastes, from the green and low-carbon urban transportation network to the deeply rooted concept of environmental protection, the success of Hamabi Eco-city provides valuable experience for the planning and construction of global eco-cities.

Introduction of Works Introduction

Before the construction, Hamabi used to be a dilapidated old industrial warehouse, surrounded by messy and seriously polluted land.At that time, the chaotic social situation led to the lack of management and planning of this land, which turned into a shanty town, and also caused the inefficient land use mode of Hamabi City.

Intensive land use

In terms of land use, eco-city adopts intensive and compact development mode, and combines land use with traffic organization to form a compact spatial form. Four detailed land development strategies have been formulated in the planning of eco-city, namely, small-scale block development, mixed land use functions, TOD development mode and hierarchical layout of public facilities.

Public transportation helps energy conservation and emission reduction

In order to achieve the goal of "80% of residents and commuters use green modes of travel such as public transportation, bicycles or walking", Hamabi Eco-city has invested a large amount of money to establish a convenient and efficient public transportation network focusing on light rail, public buses and shared cars.

Environmentally friendly open space

Hamabi Eco-city gradually redevelops the original storage land and industrial polluted land by means of cleaning up contaminated soil and ecological restoration, and transforms them into beautiful parks and green open spaces. At the same time, the reserved native forest land and natural area are taken as the skeleton and connected with the newly-built green space, forming a close open space network composed of a large number of parks, green spaces, docks, squares and walkways. The public space running through the whole city adopts the design concept of "people-oriented", pays attention to environmental friendliness and ecological diversity, and integrates the natural environment with the artificial environment through careful design to create a high-quality green space.

Hamabi model

In order to reduce the overall environmental load of the region, local planners have adopted a brand-new planning and design work method: all planning, design, technical and management staff must work in the same place at all stages of planning and design. This also makes the problems encountered by one department will be solved by another department in time. Finally, the designed resource recycling scheme meets the environmental needs and is called "Hamabi Model" by local people. "Hamabi Model" is a set of organic recycling concepts and technologies, and a green line connecting all environmental plans, integrating various technical supply systems such as energy, water supply and drainage and comprehensive waste management.

(Content source: Planning of key areas and interpretation of the planning concept of Hamabi Eco-city in SwedenPlanning and Designing _